Wednesday, April 30, 2014


We survived fighting fire.... we saved most of the lives in search and rescue.... we had too much fun laying on the floor administering first aid....  we learned what NOT to say to a victim.  Last night we graduated!

We are graduates of the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) course 2014!
Lions Becky and Mike Allison and Nancy and Mike Norton
If we want to continue down this road, there are some FEMA on-line courses we need to take, and we will attend monthly meetings in order to keep all this fresh in our minds. And there's a lot to keep fresh!  In a real emergency, we need to be johnny on the spot with our actions.

The next CERT course will be held in October, and if I could, I would save each of you a seat.  I feel it's that important that more of us have this knowledge in case of an emergency.  Please give it some thought and if you want to get with us and talk about it before hand, we'd love to do that!  But once the advertisement comes out for the class (probably September), don't delay because it fills quickly!  In an emergency situation, the response team (police, fire) will need all the help they can get.  We will be that link until they can make it to our neighborhood and help.

Please consider signing up for the course.

We Serve!
Lion Nancy

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