Friday, July 5, 2013

Things You May Not Have Known About the MFLC

Okay, here's an easy one.... What's the name of our club?  Is it:
  1.   Mendenhall Lions Club
  2.   Mendenhall Flying Lions Club
  3.   Juneau Lions Club
  4.   Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions Club
If you said #4, Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions Club, you'd be correct.  We usually shorten it to MFLC or Mendenhall Flying Lions. We were chartered on May 23, 1983.  Another piece of trivia is this:  The name of the town has to be in the name of the club, i.e., Juneau.

That was just too easy!  Okay, here's another one; an important one:  What District are we in?  We're in District 49A of Multiple District 49.  Within Multiple District 49, there is District 49A and District 49B. 

District A is all Alaska clubs; District B includes clubs in Alaska, Yukon Territory and some of Canada.

A possible Quiz question:  What does A and B stand for?  "A" stands for Aurora and "B" stands for Borealis.
The Club's Banner
And here's something you may never need to know because we don't have them in our District, but sometimes you need to know when filling out paperwork.  What Region are we in? I, II, or III

If you guessed I, you'd be wrong.  :)  But if you guessed II, you are correct.  I don't know much about Regions other than it's another level of leadership in some Districts.

Which brings us to Zones.  Multiple District 49A is broken down into Zones.  We're in Zone 7 which includes all clubs in Southeast--Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions Club, Juneau Lions Club, Ketchikan Lions Club, Wrangell Lions Club, and the newly formed Branch Club, Prince of Wales.
Who was our first club President?  If you said Lion Mal Linthwaite, you would be correct.  He has served our club well and we should all be so dedicated. 

I know this was a lot of information.... and likely boring information.... And I did try to keep it as simple as I could.... but it's important for you as a Lion to know your hierarchy.   

As a member of the Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions, you have a certain obligation to learn as much as you can about this great organization so you can share it with others. 
To recap our hierarchy:
Lions Club International
District 49A
Region II
Zone 7
Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions Club
Club President 

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