Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ten Year Anniversary

Today we're celebrating Lion Bob Hurley's 10 years as a Lion!  Not being a Lion for very long, some times I don't know all there is to know about a certain person or subject in order to report adequately.... in which case I apologize before hand.
But here's what I know about Lion Bob:  He's been dedicated to the task at hand.  He held the Treasurer's position for several years, maybe too many if you ask him...maybe not.  But from what I know, he did a super job.  

Lion Bob has participated in many service activities and fundraisers over the years.  He's there when you need him--at litter pick up, 4th of July concession stand, barbeque and auction, Night Flights, bell ringing for Salvation Army, and most others.

Lion Bob, thank you for your steady service and your commitment to not only the Mendenhall Flying Lions Club, but to the Juneau community! We appreciate all that you have done and continue to do!  Here's to another 10 years!

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