Monday, September 15, 2014

Public Relations

I've been busy PRing this week!  As the official "unofficial" public relations person for our club, I took my new assignment to heart and will give it 150%.  When I think of "public relations" I look at it two ways:  (1) informing people who are not Lions so they can see all the good we're doing and want to join in the fun and (2) letting other Lion members know what we're doing.

My first task was to come up with a schedule of events for our club whether it be vision screening or a fundraiser.  And because I don't just "wing" it, and hope for the best, I determined a timeline that would suit my needs.  From here I worked backwards from the date of the event to when something would need to appear in the paper to when the PSA or other form of advertising would need to be submitted.  And now I have a calendar of events and possible press releases and other forms of public relations activities.

The list of possible media coverage is huge whether it be for other lion members or the public.  For instance, we have our District.  On our District web page, we can submit articles of interest and calendar of events.

LCI has their blog.  They also ask that clubs submit newsworthy articles and stories that have been published in the news.  We have Lions Magazine.

Locally we have the Juneau Empire and the Capital City Weekly to advertise our good deeds, fundraisers, and other activities.  Within the Juneau Empire, we can submit our events to their daily events calendar.

Then we have the radio which has been an untapped media source for me.  It is my intent to start submitting announcements about all our public vision screening events, meetings, and other activities.

And, last but not least, is social media.  Facebook.  e-Clubhouse.  Our blog, The Flying Lion.

Yes, being the public relations person for our club is going to take time.  Our hope is that this new exposure will bring in new members.  We hope.

So stay tuned as we attempt our own media blitz this year!

We Serve!
Lion Nancy

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